The Sepa Series
This dystopian sci-fi trilogy explores memory control, women's bodily autonomy, and family bonds.
Try the books here:
About the Author
Jillian Moody grew up acting out imaginary stories—pirates on the river, fairies in the woods, and ghosts in the attic. She loves to write fiction that questions society's norms around equality and identity. The Sepa Series explores xenophobia, women's autonomy, and manipulation of the truth; all topics that tug at her mind daily. Jillian spends her time teaching, writing, dancing like nobody's watching, and creating art. She lives with her family in Milwaukie, Oregon.
Coming Soon!
A new release is on the horizon! Look out for this collection of short stories just in time for spooky season! You'll meet a timeless witch, a serial killer, a handful of corrupt governments, an alien, and all kinds of other nightmares. With a dash of humor and life-like characters, test readers are saying it's "crammed with hints and clues that will hook the reader and keep them turning the pages," "slick, clever, and gory," and has "fantastic layers of world building."
Short Story Anthologies
These short story collections were created by a collective of writers looking to collaborate and share their work. It was a labor of love and the authors hope you find new writers to enjoy within their pages.
Try the Books Here:
When All That's Left Are Stories
Featured stories by J. Moody are:
"Tandin's Ram" "Dream Snatchers"
Featured stories by J. Moody are:
"Hansel and Gretel Were Here" "The Deliverer"
#BURNANDBRUSH mixes wood burning and painting to play with the fantastical beauty of animals and nature.